About Us

Constitution & Bylaws


The Korean Society of Criminology in America (KOSCA) is a non-profit, academic organization which pursues scholarly research and professional activities in Korea-related criminology and criminal justice areas. The main goal of the KOSCA is to bring together in one multi-disciplinary society of academics, researchers, policy makers, administrators, and practitioners who are actively engaged in Korea-related research, teaching, and practice. The mission of the KOSCA is to promote comparative research studies, publications, and professional activities in the field of Korea-related criminology and criminal justice. Membership is open to all ASC and ACJS members as well as Koreans and Korean Americans


The name of the organization is the Korean Society of Criminology in America (KOSCA).


Article 1. Executive Board Meetings

Section 1. Executive Board Meetings shall be open to all members and shall be called at the discretion of the President with at least one (1) week written notice provided to all members by the Executive Director. Executive sessions of the Board may be held, on occasion, for the purpose of discussing issues involving personnel or other confidentiality matters.

Section 2. There shall be at least one (1) Board Meeting between Annual Meetings.

Section 3. Upon petition by at least one third of the Executive Board members to the Executive Director, a special meeting of the Executive Board shall be scheduled within three (3) weeks time.

Section 4. The Executive Board may render decisions by electronic voting.

Section 5. Not less than three (3) days prior to scheduled Board Meetings, any documents to be viewed at the forthcoming meeting and the agenda shall be distributed to all Board members by the Executive Director or Administrator.